Editorial Tips


In last week’s newsletter I promised some more tips about how to use an editorial as a marketing tool. Typically, an editorial is used to express an opinion on an issue, or some type of reaction to current events. An editorial can inform, promote, commend or sometimes entertain.

If you feel exceptionally educated on a topic and it has a timely connection, you can write an editorial and submit it to publications.

First, choose a topic. Are you the head of a non-profit organization that funds volcano research? Then the recent volcanic ash in Iceland provides you with the perfect opportunity to write an editorial. Your topic must be relevant and newsworthy and you must be educated about the topic.

Second, do your research. If your company offers an herbal alternative to aspirin, make sure you have studies and stats on hand that will back up your argument. A piece that is not heavily based in fact will most likely never be published.

Third, write your editorial in a style that is clear and direct. Make sure you give plenty of examples and illustrations in your writing. Be honest and thought provoking. In general, follow news writing style by sticking to the point and avoiding over-dramatization.

Happy Friday and happy writing!


Unknown said...

Thanks for the tips!

Market Mommy said...

You're very welcome!